
Press Releases

Duvall Becomes AFBF President, Long New Georgia Farm Bureau President

Posted on Jan 12, 2016 at 0:00 AM



Andy Lucas,

MACON, GA. 在1月12日举行的第97届美国农场局联合会(AFBF)年会上,代表们投票选出Zippy Duvall为AFBF主席,任期两年, in Orlando, Florida.  Duvall succeeds Bob Stallman, who served 16 years at the helm of the nation’s largest, most influential general farm organization. Duvall, a broiler, cattle and hay producer from Greensboro, Georgia, becomes the 12th president during AFBF’s almost 97-year history.

“我非常感激你们对我担任AFBF主席的支持和信任.  I will continue to represent all farmers and ranchers across the states.  杜瓦尔在当选后说:“愿上帝保佑AFBF向前发展的每一个人。.

杜瓦尔作为当地格林县农场局的志愿者开始了他的农场局之旅, where he still serves on the board of directors.  1982年,他获得了GFB青年农民成就奖,并于1983年获得AFBF奖.  Duvall chaired the GFB Young Farmer Committee, and in 1987, he served as chairman of the AFBF Young Farmers & 在爱荷华州AFBF已故主席Dean Kleckner的领导下,牧场主委员会和AFBF董事会成员.  Duvall and his wife, Bonnie, have four children and three grandchildren.



Gerald Long of Bainbridge, Georgia, is the new president of Georgia Farm Bureau (GFB), the state’s largest general agriculture organization. Long, who has served as GFB 1st vice president since 2008, succeeds Duvall who resigned after being elected AFBF president.

GFB章程为该组织提供了继任计划,以便在总裁职位空缺时填补该职位. Long, who was serving as 1st vice president, assumed the responsibilities of GFB president effective Jan. 12. He will serve as GFB president until December 6, 2016, 届时,GFB成员将在其年度大会上选举下一任GFB主席.  Long is eligible to run for the position if he chooses.

Long is a diversified farmer who raises cattle and grows peanuts, vegetables, corn, cotton, hay, small grains and timber with his family on their farm near Bainbridge. 他于1999年12月首次当选为GFB董事会成员,担任GFB第9区总监,代表乔治亚州西南部的14个县. In 2006, GFB南区53个县的投票代表选举Long为GFB南乔治亚副主席. 自2008年以来,全国各地的GFB投票代表每年都指定Long担任GFB第一副总裁.

亚洲体育博彩平台是一个代表整个乔治亚州农业的组织. We communicate with our elected officials on the local, 在州和国家层面表达农业需求并为农民发声,” Long said. “在我担任第一副总统期间,我有机会代表整个乔治亚州,到全州各地旅行,并会见了各自县的农业局领导. 尽管我们可能种植不同的商品,但我们几乎有同样的问题. 担任第一副总统让我有机会看到这些问题,并努力解决这些问题,努力让农场上的农民生活得更好. I will continue to do this as Georgia Farm Bureau president.”      


A Farm Bureau member since 1970, Long目前担任迪凯特县农场局董事会秘书/财务主管,是迪凯特县农场局的前任总裁和副总裁.


Long and his wife, Janice, have three adult children: Justin and daughter-in-law, Kelli; Jared and daughter-in-law, Lori; and Jeanie and son-in-law, Diego Izurieta; and two grandchildren. 朗斯一家是班布里奇第一浸信会的成员. Long has served as a deacon and on numerous committees.


In addition to his Farm Bureau leadership, Long是Georgia cattle lemen 's Association的成员,也是the Decatur County cattle lemen 's Association的董事会成员. 他在乔治亚州牛肉委员会代表GFB,并担任董事会财务主管.


Long是乔治亚花生生产商和乔治亚水果公司的创始董事会成员 & 蔬菜种植者协会,以及弗林特河水资源规划政策中心. He also serves on the Decatur County Industrial Development Authority. 他就读于亚伯拉罕鲍德温农业学院,主修作物科学和动物科学. 然后,他在乔治亚州陆军国民警卫队服役了六个月,并担任了六年的预备役.

Georgia Farm Bureau (GFB) President Gerald Long, right, and GFB 1st Vice President Robert Fountain Jr. begin new leadership roles for the organization effective Jan. 12月12日,在奥兰多举行的第97届美国农场局联合会年会上,前美国农场局联合会主席Zippy Duvall当选为美国农场局联合会主席, Fla. on Jan. 12. 曾长期担任GFB第一副总裁和GFB南乔治亚副总裁. In addition to serving as GFB 1st vice president, Fountain will continue to serve as GFB Middle Georgia vice president.


Following Long becoming the new GFB president, Robert Fountain Jr. of Emanuel County, 他在乔治亚州中部担任了15年的副校长, 由GFB董事会指定担任该组织的第一任副主席,直到12月6日, 2016, 届时,GFB成员将在其年度大会上指定下一任GFB第一副主席. Fountain is eligible to run for the position if he chooses.

方丹将继续在GFB董事会中代表该组织中乔治亚地区的56个县. Fountain自2009年起担任GFB Middle Georgia副总裁,此前曾担任该职位(1997年至2006年). 他自2004年起担任伊曼纽尔县农业局总裁,此前曾担任副总裁兼县主任.


方丹是家族农场的第三代继承人,农场位于伊曼纽尔和约翰逊县,他在那里养牛, hay, timber, small grains and pecans.


In addition to Farm Bureau, 喷泉是许多其他农业组织的活跃成员,包括乔治亚州养牛人协会, for which he served as president from 2001-2002. Since 2002 Fountain has represented GFB on the Georgia Beef Board. He is currently serving a third, 在美国牛肉委员会(CBB)的任命下,任期三年.S. Secretary of Agriculture. 他也是CBB执行委员会的成员,并曾在全国牛人牛肉协会的多个委员会任职.


A graduate of the University of Georgia, Fountain earned his B.B.A. in management and agricultural economics and his M.B.A. in management and finance. 方丹是阿德里安联合卫理公会教会的成员,他在那里教主日学校,并担任财务主管和教会行政委员会主席.


Founded in 1937, 乔治亚州农场局是该州最大的综合农场组织,通过其158个县分会促进农业发展. Its volunteer members actively participate in local, 地区和州的活动,以促进农业意识的非农业邻居. GFB还为其成员提供包括亚洲体育博彩平台产品在内的众多福利, identity theft protection and travel and health service discounts. 


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